Building a strong family:
Every building has a foundation. The longevity of the building is dependent on its foundation. Hence, Jesus Christ is the foundation and rock of every family. To enjoy peace, love, joy, happiness, prosperity and sound health in your family, it depends on what your family is standing on. Here in House of Mercy International Church, we will teach and show you how to build your family on a solid rock and foundation – Jesus Christ. This teaching will help remove abuses, divorce, separation, misunderstanding, heart ache, fighting, and will usher in love, affection, peace, fellowship and appreciation between husbands, wives and children.
Healthy Relationship for Youth and Singles:
Relationships can build or destroy the youth and single. The degree of achievement and fulfillment of destiny depends on the type of relationships you are involved in. Many lives are destroyed or in perpetual pain and agony because of a wrong choice of the type of relationship to enter. In House of Mercy International, we will expose you to the type of relationships that will build your future and destiny. We will teach you on how to identify traits of abuse and violent relationships, and how you will build a healthy and godly relationships that will benefit you and put you on a tract of a successful marriage and a vibrant future. Fellowship with us at House of Mercy International Church learn on how to connect to health relationships.
Support for Single Mothers/Parents:
We understand that not everyone planned to be a single mother/parents, and there are different reasons that make you a single mother/parent. We want you to know that single mother/parent is not a disadvantage, you can make the best of the situation to your advantage. In House of Mercy International Church, we will provide support, prayer, encouragement, healing, and a system where single mothers/parents can thrive and be who God want them be. As a single mother/parent, you can still fulfill your purpose and live a successful life in Christ Jesus in the direction you choose. Fellowship with us at House of Mercy International Church as we allow God do His work in you. You can be happy again in His Presence!
Support for Widows and Widowers
Events happen in life that are outside of our control, and people find themselves in situations of losing their loved ones. This situation breeds lots of challenges, loneliness, isolation, depression, and mental health issue. But, there is hope and strength available to you. Matthew 11:28-29, the bible says “Come unto me, you all that are labored and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest to your souls.” Jesus Christ is always ready to bear all your life’s challenges. In House of Mercy International Church, we provide words of encouragement, prayer, support system, bible messages to strengthen, and comfort to widows and widowers. Fellowship with us at House of Mercy International Church, and you will be filled with the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can be happy again in His Presence!